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Harry Follows in Diana’s Footsteps at Minefield: See the Comparison Pics

Prince Harry Follows in Diana’s Footsteps at Angolan Minefield

Prince Harry honored the humanitarian efforts of his late mother, Princess Diana, in Angola on Friday, September 27, as his and Duchess Meghan’s royal visit to Africa continued.

“Following in the footsteps of his mother, Princess Diana, this morning The Duke of Sussex visited a de-mining site in Dirico, Angola, to raise awareness of the danger and prevalence of landmines that still exists today,” a caption on the royal couple’s Instagram page reads. “The Duke joined [anti-landmine nonprofit The HALO Trust] in their work to help clear the area to enable safe access for the local community.”

The Instagram caption also spotlighted the work Diana did in the area in 1997: “Diana, Princess of Wales, visited Huambo to bring global attention to the crisis of landmines and the people whose lives were being destroyed. Two decades later, the area has transformed from desolate and unhabitable to lively and vibrant, with colleges, schools and small businesses.” (Diana, who was divorced from Harry and Prince William’s father, Prince Charles, died in a car accident later that year at the age of 36.)

“The Duke is humbled to be visiting a place and a community that was so special to his mother, and to recognize her tireless mission as an advocate for all those she felt needed her voice the most, even if the issue was not universally popular,” the caption added.

Harry, 35, and Meghan, 38, arrived in Africa on Monday, September 23, touching down in South Africa to kick off their two-week tour of the continent with their 4-month old son, Archie. It marks the family’s first royal trip together.

“Africa is an extremely important continent for Harry and Meghan,” a source told Us Weekly in June. “It’s not only where Harry was able to spend time away from the public eye growing up — and where [his mother] Diana made a difference — but it’s also where their love grew. Going back there will be so special for them now that they’re a family.”

Scroll down for more photos from Harry and Diana’s respective visits to the minefields.

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