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HomeWorld NewsNigeria NewsNigerian Transgender Bobrisky Announces Plans for Another Surgery in December

Nigerian Transgender Bobrisky Announces Plans for Another Surgery in December

In a bold and controversial move, Nigerian transgender Idris Okuneye, widely known as Bobrisky, has declared his intentions to undergo another surgery in December to further enhance his physical appearance. The social media personality took to his Instagram page to make the announcement, expressing his willingness to risk his life in order to become the most beautiful woman in Nigeria.

“Going under another knife first week of December, I am ready to risk my life to be the most beautiful woman in Nigeria. These bitches know I am the real deal,” Bobrisky boldly proclaimed in his Instagram post.

The self-proclaimed male Barbie also emphasized the connection between physical beauty and financial success, stating, “The more you look more pretty the more you get strictly rich men in your circle. Forget what you see on social media. When you see me in real life, you gonna scream. I’m so pretty in person with mad shape.”

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Bobrisky’s announcement has sparked a mixture of reactions from the public, with many expressing concern for his well-being and the potential risks associated with undergoing multiple surgical procedures.

This decision to undergo yet another surgery marks a significant milestone in Bobrisky’s ongoing journey of self-transformation, as he continues to push boundaries and redefine beauty standards in Nigerian society.

However, this move has also reignited discussions about the societal pressures and expectations that may be driving individuals like Bobrisky to extreme measures in pursuit of physical perfection.

This development comes on the heels of a recent outcry from another Nigerian transgender individual, Jay Boogie, who shared his harrowing experience following a failed plastic surgery.

Bobrisky’s bold declaration and unwavering commitment to altering his physical appearance have once again thrust him into the spotlight, drawing both admiration and criticism from the public.

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As Bobrisky prepares to undergo another round of surgical enhancements, the public remains divided in their opinions about his choices, with some expressing support for his right to self-expression and others voicing concerns about the potential risks and consequences involved.

The upcoming surgery in December is expected to generate significant attention and spark further discussions about beauty standards, gender identity, and the societal pressures faced by individuals who seek to defy conventional norms.

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With his determination to become the “most beautiful woman in Nigeria,” Bobrisky’s latest announcement has once again underscored his unwavering commitment to his personal transformation journey, while also prompting broader conversations about beauty, identity, and self-acceptance.

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