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marjorie taylor greene reveals how she feels about showing hunter biden nude pics 2
Nigeria NewsPolitics

Controversial Congresswoman Unveils Shocking Evidence Against President Biden’s Son: Calls for Government Accountability

In a stunning display of allegations and evidence, Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene took center stage yesterday, shedding light on a scandal involving President...

ai has a racism problem but fixing it is complicated say
Canada news

AI has a racism problem, but fixing it is complicated, say experts

Online retail giant Amazon recently deleted the N-word from a product description of a black-coloured action figure and admitted to CBC News its...

edmonton man charged in child sex offences other victims sought in alberta b c n w t
Canada news

Edmonton man charged in child sex offences, other victims sought in Alberta, B.C, N.W.T.

An Edmonton man has been charged with a series of sexual offences against teens in an east-central Alberta town, and police have launched...

botched no knock raids prompt calls to limit police tactic
Canada news

Botched no-knock raids prompt calls to limit police tactic

Police forces across Canada are conducting hundreds of no-knock raids each year to execute search warrants despite growing concern about the trampling of...

new rules on removal of illegal online content could help in battle against child pornography
Canada news

New rules on removal of illegal online content could help in battle against child pornography

The federal heritage minister will soon introduce legislation aimed at compelling companies to do a better job of policing illegal content posted online —...

woman who spent years scrubbing explicit video from internet urges tech firms to make it easier to remove
Canada news

Woman who spent years scrubbing explicit video from internet urges tech firms to make it easier to remove

She was only 14 when she was groomed to have virtual sex with an older man she met on social media.  She had...

rcmp say fighting violence against children is part of daily policing in nunavut
Canada news

RCMP say fighting violence against children is part of daily policing in Nunavut

This is part two of a three-part CBC North series, The Small Abused. The series looks into reporting, prevention and support services available to children...

b c liberals ran ads in christian magazine that features content opposed to trans rights assisted death
Canada news

B.C. Liberals ran ads in Christian magazine that features content opposed to trans rights, assisted death

B.C. Liberal MLAs are using taxpayers’ money to pay for ads in a Christian magazine that includes articles opposed to transgender rights and medically assisted...

media not allowed to cover sex offender donnie snooks parole board hearing
Canada news

Media not allowed to cover sex offender Donnie Snook’s parole board hearing

A former Saint John city councillor who sexually abused numerous boys will have a Parole Board of Canada hearing in July, but journalists...

when your husband wants something in bed you think is gross

When Your Husband Wants Something in Bed You Think is Gross

What do you do if your husband wants you to do something in bed that you really hate? We’re in the middle of...

when your libido is all or nothing

When Your Libido is All or Nothing

Could your libido be signalling an underlying problem with the way that you see sex? It’s Day 4 of our Sizzling Summer Sex...

12 ways to help christian men overcome lust

12 Ways to Help Christian Men Overcome Lust

Shares 309 For twenty years now Christians have been inundated with news about “every man’s battle” and how every man struggles with lust....

why every mans battle backfires we should expect men not to lust

Why Every Man’s Battle Backfires: We Should Expect Men Not to Lust

Shares 168 Women, you are not living in a dream world if you want to be married to a guy who doesn’t lust....

5 ways porn harms men a former porn user

5 Ways Porn Harms Men: A Former Porn User Explains

We know that when a husband uses porn, he hurts his wife. We know that the effects of porn on a guy’s sex...

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