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3 Articles
trudeau government must stand up against trumps escalating attacks on international criminal court
Canada news

Trudeau government must stand up against Trump’s escalating attacks on International Criminal Court

This column is an opinion by Mark Kersten, a senior consultant at the Wayamo Foundation and a senior researcher at the Munk School of Global Affairs and...

qatar insists on helping to build more housing units in gaza
Nigeria NewsWorld News

Qatar insists on helping to build more housing units in Gaza

Qatari Ambassador Mohamed Ammadi on Tuesday said he had signed an agreement with Gaza construction companies to build more housing units in the...

50 years after six day war israel palestine still in search for peace
World News

50 years after Six-Day War: Israel, Palestine still in search for peace

Israelis and Palestinians mark 50 years since the Six-Day War next week as the gap between them further widens, with both sides deeply...

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