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the trans mountain project faces a year of challenges and opportunity
Canada news

The Trans Mountain project faces a year of challenges and opportunity

After a hiatus of about two weeks, construction on the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion is expected to resume today. The return to work marks the beginning...

b c avalanche vicitim loved the outdoors had safety training says mother
Canada news

B.C. avalanche vicitim loved the outdoors, had safety training, says mother

Suzanne Bowker said her son lived his life to the fullest. He lived fast. He lived on the edge but he lived with...

after a turbulent year canadas energy industry braces for more upheaval in 2021
Canada news

After a turbulent year, Canada’s energy industry braces for more upheaval in 2021

Turbulent, chaotic, overwhelming — it’s been the kind of year that tests a person’s nerves and their vocabulary. At times, there have been...

after evacuating twice over tainted water neskantaga residents plan their return home
Canada news

After evacuating twice over tainted water, Neskantaga residents plan their return home

Members of a First Nation that has been under a boil-water advisory for longer than any other in Canada are hoping to return home...

ottawa to hike federal carbon tax to 170 a tonne by 2030
Canada news

Ottawa to hike federal carbon tax to $170 a tonne by 2030 

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau today released the government’s strategy to dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 — and its centrepiece is a...

ipos this week have doordash and airbnb worth billions of dollars despite not turning a profit
Canada news

IPOs this week have DoorDash and Airbnb worth billions of dollars despite not turning a profit

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a boon for tech company shares as lockdown measures for millions of people feed record demand for digital services. And two...

new federal climate bill unlikely to solve canadas greenhouse gas reduction problem heres why
Canada news

New federal climate bill unlikely to solve Canada’s greenhouse gas reduction problem – here’s why

This column is an opinion by Kyle Hiebert, a research analyst in Winnipeg and former deputy editor of the Africa Conflict Monitor. For more information about...

distillers scrambled to make hand sanitizer for free then the federal government moved on
Canada news

Distillers scrambled to make hand sanitizer for free. Then the federal government moved on

This story is part of The Big Spend, a CBC News investigation examining the unprecedented $240 billion the federal government handed out during...

tracking the not so clear trail of 240b in federal covid 19 spending
Canada news

Tracking the not-so-clear trail of $240B in federal COVID-19 spending

This story is part of The Big Spend, a CBC News investigation examining the unprecedented $240 billion the federal government handed out during...

racist jokes bullying and exclusion oilsands workers describe discrimination on the job
Canada news

Racist jokes, bullying and exclusion: Oilsands workers describe discrimination on the job

Face Racism will be an ongoing Marketplace series. We are interested in following people searching for justice in their communities, the marketplace and...

is it possible to make a sustainable smartphone
Canada news

Is it possible to make a sustainable smartphone?

Hello, Earthlings! This is our weekly newsletter on all things environmental, where we highlight trends and solutions that are moving us to a more...

small retailers push back against lockdown policy that favours big box stores
Canada news

Small retailers push back against lockdown policy that favours big-box stores

Small businesses in Toronto and Peel Region say it’s not fair that they should be closed for in-person shopping while big-box stores can sell all...

indigenous services minister overrules senior bureaucrat on neskantaga water probe
Canada news

Indigenous services minister overrules senior bureaucrat on Neskantaga water probe

Indigenous Services Minister Marc Miller has overruled a senior departmental official over the framing of an investigation into Neskantaga First Nation’s 25-year-long water crisis, CBC...

oil and gas know how looks to alternatives in a business led push to address climate change
Canada news

Oil and gas know-how looks to alternatives in a business-led push to address climate change

The federal government’s climate plan, announced Thursday, is facing criticism for not moving fast enough. Meanwhile, the political rhetoric from parts of Canada’s oil-and-gas-producing...

liberals to give road map to a net zero emissions canada today
Canada news

Liberals to give road map to a net-zero emissions Canada today

Environment Minister Jonathan Wilkinson will show Canadians his path to net zero today, when he tables climate legislation in the House of Commons....

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