Carl Bernstein sent social media users into overdrive after he slapped Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) with a taunting new nickname.
The famed Watergate reporter called McConnell “Midnight Mitch” during a panel discussion on CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360°” on Monday. It centered on McConnell’s proposed compressed schedule for President Donald Trump’s imminent Senate impeachment trial over the Ukraine scandal that would see some testimony taking place in the early hours.
The most important moment for the Republican Party since the censure of Joe McCarthy and the impeachment and resignation of Richard Nixon, in which Republicans became great heroes and patriots. Now, we’re looking at ‘Midnight Mitch’ and the so-called world’s greatest deliberative body really embracing a cover-up that is there for all to see. That’s what this is about. It’s about preventing information from becoming known and seen by the American public.
Bernstein noted how in the impeachments of former Presidents Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton there had been “no problem about knowing the truth of the facts.”
But in the impeachment trial of Trump, he said, “We still have a factual problem here because the president and those who work for him and Mitch McConnell have impeded the facts from the beginning.”
Check out the full clip here:
“We’re looking at ‘Midnight Mitch’ and the so-called world’s greatest deliberative body, really embracing a cover-up that is there for all to see. That’s what this is about.”
– Journalist Carl Bernstein reacts to Mitch McConnell’s proposed trial rules.https://t.co/SWVLjicpE7 pic.twitter.com/GknxCGL1I8
— Anderson Cooper 360° (@AC360) January 21, 2020
McConnell was previously nicknamed “Moscow Mitch” over his stymying of election security bills.
Bernstein’s new moniker for McConnell soon took on a life of its own on Twitter:
These aren’t rules for a real trial at all, much less a fair one. They’re rules for a rigged outcome, with #MidnightMitch making sure that as much of the so-called trial as possible takes place in the dark of night. https://t.co/y8FyHe4u7i
— Laurence Tribe (@tribelaw) January 21, 2020
Republicans are always like “Democrats waaa waaa behind closed doors; democrats waaa waaa in a basement”
Now #MidnightMitch is all “let’s have the trial with no witnesses or evidence at 1am”
— Jay Brannan (@jaybrannan) January 21, 2020
Hey #MidnightMitch having a trial in the middle of the night and not allowing CSPAN cameras to cover it is a massive middle finger to every American, you corrupt bastard. @senatemajldr
— i read the transcripts, impeach him now (@Msaderhold) January 21, 2020
So @carlbernstein just called @senatemajldr “Midnight Mitch” because it looks like his plan is to hold the trial until after midnight hours to try to have negative evidence come out while Americans are asleep. Make #MidnightMitch trend! We want to see the evidence!
— Ashley will caucus for Warren on 2/22/20 ? (@NastyWoman1012) January 21, 2020
#MidnightMitch is a trump sycophant and a danger to our democracy. There is zero chance of a fair trial. How does anyone abandon their honor, principal, and patriotism for someone like trump? Only the feckless GOP knows the answer. https://t.co/lVX3meP7CC
— SDC (@topcat1257) January 21, 2020
#MidnightMitch has already admitted he’s working hand-in-hand with Trump on the #impeachment trial & violating his oath to be impartial—but his proposed rules for the trial (holding the trial at 1am??) are yet more evidence that he’s helping the White House perpetrate a cover-up. https://t.co/L2TzAeUuuB
— Tammy Duckworth (@SenDuckworth) January 21, 2020
We want a fair trial, #MidnightMitch. The rules just released are not going to give us that trial. What are you trying to cover up?
— Amy Soccermom (@amcmahon29) January 21, 2020
The general public of the United States of America should have the right to hear any and all evidence and see any and all documents to make an honest and fair decision regarding the continuance or the removal of our President.— NE1ButtHim (@Ne1Him) January 21, 2020
What’s most pathetic about magas is they don’t realize #MidnightMitch and the GOP all KNOW Donald Trump is a corrupt fucking moron dickdrip who abused his power. They detest Trump. They just don’t care as long as they stay in power. Only magas actually buy Trump’s shit.
— Randi Mayem Singer (@rmayemsinger) January 21, 2020
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