It is common knowledge that innovative ideas must be original, new, and brilliant. But believing this remains a real barrier to creativity. The point is that innovation is not about creating something out of nothing.
There are some problems and tasks in the world that need to be solved and that can be discovered if you pay attention to them. Many great inventions have only been made possible because people have tried to solve the everyday problems they face.
When it rained, they didn’t want to wear too clumsy boots, which led to waterproof Dry Steppers. There was a moment when I tried to take a bottle of water with me, but its shape did not harmonize with the bag. Then someone came up with letter-shaped bottles. Real breakthroughs happen when a person notices a problem and finds a way to solve it.
There are several types of problems, and by identifying them you can understand how much effort you need to expend to generate new ideas.
Type 1: problems with good solutions. For some problems, people have long come up with excellent solutions. For example, in hot and humid climates, people are accustomed to using fans and air conditioners. It would take a huge breakthrough to come up with anything superior to them. Therefore, a completely new invention to deal with a hot climate would be a very difficult innovation. And there is no clear need for a new solution.
Type 2: long-standing problems with no solution. Such problems are difficult to get rid of because of their scale or complexity. For example, poverty is a huge problem and everyone knows it. But no one corrects the situation, as there are certain resource limitations.
Meanwhile, in this case, there is room for creativity. Problems without a solution can be a source of inspiration, even if there are no resources to bring your solution to life. This should not stop, it is important to think about the solution and try it out at the right time.
Type 3: problems with defective solutions. These include options that have available solutions but are erroneous or insufficient. Then you can take what you have and improve. For example, a smartphone is in many ways an improved original mobile phone. It turns out that people have added many new features to the old technology.
There are probably recurring problems in your area. It is worth finding what is bothering you and delving into the search for root causes. One may ask oneself, why does this happen all the time? What are the reasons for this? Understanding the underlying causes of the problem will help to think more globally and find an approach to solving it.
After determining the cause, you need to address the solution. First, you should understand if there are workarounds. If yes, why are they ineffective? Perhaps they don’t really address the root causes or address some of them. Think about how to improve the available solution.
Secondly, if there are no solutions available, you can start brainstorming new options. Do not try to immediately find a ready-made answer, but break the path to it into stages until a complete solution.
In general, do not look for a great idea. Look for a good problem, find something unsolvable in everyday life. By solving them, you can have a positive impact on the world.
4 steps to make a creative workspace
The arrangement of the working space must be approached carefully, having thought through all the details. It is necessary to understand that a creative place should not only be comfortable but also encourage creativity, and inspiration. Convenient arrangement of all working materials and cleanliness is harmony for the eyes and focus for the brain.
- Lighting. The best option for an artist is a bright room with white walls. Daylight at the northeast window will evenly illuminate nature and the canvas. As a result, you do not have to constantly move the picture or curtain the window, hiding the canvas from the direct rays of the sun. Lighting should be on the left side for right-handers so that the shadow from the hand does not cross the canvas. Simply put, the light should shine on your working hand, and not on its back. When you work with colour, it is better to do it in natural light, but artificial lighting is still indispensable. Especially in winter, when daylight hours are short.
2. Storage. Reduce the waste of time looking for the right art objects in drawers and nightstands. Arrange all the details so that you can use them without much effort at the right time. For example, use craft storage box on the shelves, both large objects and small ones that need to be folded into box will fit.
3. Decor. Minimize unnecessary accessories. Leave those that are not only attractive but also inspiring. Connect your imagination, choose wallpapers with nature motifs, a soft palette, and textiles. Surround yourself with objects that will inspire you and you will see that your daily life will become more prosperous and more enjoyable.
4. Motivation. An inspirational quote can dramatically change your emotional state. Any excerpts from books, songs, poems or other phrases that mean more than just words, you can place on a poster and be inspired by them before the creative process.
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