West Ham are demanding changes to the running of the London Stadium in an emergency meeting.
The club are meeting the London Legacy Development Corporation (LLDC), the stadium’s landlords, the ground’s operators and Newham Council.
Supporters invaded the pitch on several occasions during their 3-0 defeat against Burnley on 10 March, while a large group of other fans congregated beneath the directors’ box to protest against the club’s board.
It forced the club’s owners David Gold and David Sullivan to leave the directors’ box.
Sky sources understand the FA is considering charging West Ham following the scenes.
We understand the Premier League club’s primary concern remains the safety of fans.
West Ham are taking the LLDC to the High Court over the number of fans they will allow into the London Stadium for matches.

West Ham believe their contract allows them use of the whole stadium and their contract allows 60,000 fans to attend.
The LLDC believes the 99-year lease agreement is for 54,500, and the two sides have since reached agreement on 57,000.
West Ham also want more control over branding as they feel the lack of branding within the stadium means fans don’t think it’s their home.
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