Home sexual abuse

sexual abuse

20 Articles
woman who spent years scrubbing explicit video from internet urges tech firms to make it easier to remove
Canada news

Woman who spent years scrubbing explicit video from internet urges tech firms to make it easier to remove

She was only 14 when she was groomed to have virtual sex with an older man she met on social media.  She had...

rcmp say fighting violence against children is part of daily policing in nunavut
Canada news

RCMP say fighting violence against children is part of daily policing in Nunavut

This is part two of a three-part CBC North series, The Small Abused. The series looks into reporting, prevention and support services available to children...

peter nygards son fears dad will flee canada before sex assault investigation is complete
Canada news

Peter Nygard’s son fears dad will flee Canada before sex assault investigation is complete

Peter Nygard’s son says he fears his father will flee Canada before it’s determined whether or not criminal charges can be laid in connection with allegations...

wifey wednesday a big thank you to the husbands of sexual abuse survivors

Wifey Wednesday: A Big Thank You to the Husbands of Sexual Abuse Survivors

Some of the biggest heroes, to me, are the faithful men who stand beside their wives as they deal with the memories, trauma,...

10 reasons we need to stop romanticizing the amish

10 Reasons We Need to Stop Romanticizing the Amish

Shares 289 The buggies. The farms. The laundry hanging out on the line, the girls learning how to bake, the boys in the...

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