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141 Articles
breaking news hundreds of thousands of africans were enslaved in america wanda tucker believes her relatives were the first
United States News

Breaking news: Hundreds of thousands of Africans were enslaved in America. Wanda Tucker believes her relatives were the first

  LUANDA, Angola – Wanda Tucker stepped off the plane to a sky so gray it blended into the tarmac. She inhaled, balanced her...

judge awards rare advance costs to beaver lake cree nation in land rights case
Canada news

Judge awards rare advance costs to Beaver Lake Cree Nation in land rights case

A judge has ordered the provincial and federal governments to pay advance legal costs in an action brought by an Alberta First Nation...

liberal promise to wipe out citizenship fees would cost 100m a year
Canada news

Liberal promise to wipe out citizenship costs would certainly cost $100M a year

The Liberals are ensuring to eliminate the application fee for Canadian citizenship, eliminating what some immigrant supporters have actually called an important barrier...

why male circumcision and female genital mutilation are not the same thing

Why Male Circumcision and Female Genital Mutilation are Not the Same Thing

Shares 628 It hit the news recently that three individuals, including a female physician, have been arrested in the United States on charges...


7 Things the Purity Culture Failed to Teach Me

How can we raise our kids to have a healthy view of sex–and not perpetuate some of the unhealthy aspects of the Purity...

10 reasons we need to stop romanticizing the amish

10 Reasons We Need to Stop Romanticizing the Amish

Shares 289 The buggies. The farms. The laundry hanging out on the line, the girls learning how to bake, the boys in the...

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