Home Business A Couple of Tips to Know Before You Use Car Shipping Services

A Couple of Tips to Know Before You Use Car Shipping Services

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We can all pretty much agree that relocating a car is just one more headache that comes with a cross-country move.

While it’s usually possible to just drive your vehicle to your new residence or perhaps some other longer distance, doing so isn’t always the best option. Driving across the country can be a costly job due to rising gas prices, and no one like the thought of putting that much mileage on their car all at once.

But, turn that frown upside down because the good news is that you can avoid the trip altogether by using the services of a car shipping business. You may rest assured that the right company will ship your car to your new location safely.

There are, however, a few things you must do before arranging for your car to be delivered across the country, so let’s talk about them below, shall we?

Open vs closed carrier

You can normally choose between an open carrier and an enclosed transport when you’re shopping around for car shipping services. Your vehicle will be in the open air if you choose an open carrier, but it will be protected from the elements by the trailer walls if you choose an enclosed transport.

Opting for an open carrier can undoubtedly lead to cost savings, but it comes with the trade-off of exposing your automobile to various elements and road debris. Despite this drawback, many individuals are perfectly comfortable with this arrangement, making it a viable money-saving choice for those who don’t mind their car being transported in the open air. By selecting the open carrier option, you can still reap the benefits of reduced expenses, especially if you are willing to accept the minor risks associated with the transportation process.


On the other hand, enclosed transport is perfect if you have a classic car or other vehicle that you want to preserve secure and in pristine condition and are willing to spend a little more money on.

Presenting the right paperwork

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It’s important to have all the necessary paperwork in order before shipping a vehicle. If you want to ship your car, you’ll need to show proof of ownership, which means providing the company with the vehicle’s registration number, proof of insurance, your driver’s license or other form of identity, and a bill of sale.

You don’t want to be scurrying around on a moving day because you forgot something super important.

Prepping your car

Although it’s tempting to believe that you don’t have to prepare your car for transport, there are a few things you must do before sending it on its merry way. Your first order of business is to give your car a thorough washing. This may seem counterproductive, but it will help identify problems with the shipment faster.

You should empty your car of any valuables before transporting it because the shipping company is usually not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Any damage to your vehicle, such as dents, scratches, or dings, should be photographed and noted before shipping. Even with the safest shipping business, accidents may and do occur, and if your package is damaged in transit, you’ll want to hold the firm accountable.

It’s also a good idea to get your car serviced before shipping it. Make sure your car is in good working order by checking the battery, adding fluids as needed, checking tire pressure, and so on. This is an excellent idea even if it isn’t required by the shipping service.

In addition, you should drive about with an empty gas tank. There should be some gas left in the tank, but no more than half. If your gas tank is full, the movers will have a more difficult time loading and unloading your vehicle.

Driving your own vehicle is convenient for local moves, but it can be daunting for long-distance relocations across the country. A car shipping business is the way to go if you want to avoid putting too many miles on your vehicle or spending too much money on gas. Remember these guidelines before making any shipping plans.

Finally, if you haven’t already, get a spare set of car keys made. The shipping firm will need a set of keys, and you should have a spare pair just in case. The worst possible outcome is that you arrive at your destination and can’t get into your car.


There you have it folks! Choosing a car shipping firm can make all the difference in the world for your precious asset if you don’t plan on driving it long-distance.

So, don’t second-guess your decision and reach out to pros ASAP. If you want to ensure nothing happens to your car while being shipped, pick a reliable and licensed company that will take care of your asset with the utmost care.


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