Rather than suggesting a series of skincare products to help keep the skin radiant and youthful, Sophia Loren has a more holistic approach to her anti-aging regimen. Her secret? Acceptance. “If you accept the aging process and live in the present, then you age gracefully,” she shared with the New York Times.
This is not the first time the 1962 Best Actress Oscar-winner has lent her advice in the beauty world, however. In what’s considered one of her most well-known quotes, the legend also urged people to take a mentally positive approach to one’s outward appearance. “Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful,” she said (per Elite Daily). Judging by this time-defying belle’s natural beauty, her advice might be worth a try! Loren also offered aspiring actresses some advice when it comes to embracing their craft.
Loren told the Times, “If you decide that you have to be an actress, because it’s something that you love, then you have to do what your mind teaches you, to put yourself in a situation where you only think about your life as an actress.” Meanwhile, Hollywood’s iconic Golden Age actress might be coming back to the big screen for good. “If I like acting, why should I stop?” she questioned. We second this sentiment!
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