Making a living is one thing, but making an impact in the world is another. It’s common to think that starting a business is a means to making money. While you can start a business to make money, strive for more than that. If your business’s sole reason is to make money, you will be more apt to give up when your business isn’t making money. Yet, if you tie a reason to why you’re starting your business, now you’re giving yourself a little extra push.
Today’s entrepreneurs are finding ways to make a positive impact on society through their businesses. Sure, they’re still working hard to make sales, but at the same time, they’re focused on something bigger than themselves, such as solving a problem.
While addressing poverty in your local community or trying to save the planet are certainly worthy causes, these are far from the only ways you can make a positive difference with your business. In fact, the way you do business could have just as much of a positive impact as any charitable effort.
Selling Quality product as Claimed.
Do what you say. It may be a phrase you’ve heard so often that it’s become a cliche, but it is the foundation for any business looking to make a positive difference. As an entrepreneur, it means that everything you say about your product/service, whether on your website or in a sales call, is going to be fulfilled. You don’t promise clients things you can’t actually accomplish. You’re honest and upfront about your capabilities and your limitations.
It also means you’re not going to cut corners in an attempt to deliver on your claims or cheat your customers. Such tactics may help you make deadlines, gain more, or finish projects in the short term, but they’ll lead to disaster in the long run.
The foundation for this ethical approach to business is a dedication to your craft. Those who are truly dedicated to what they don’t even consider the possibility of not delivering on a claim. Such a failure is out of the question. They will do everything in their power to ethically deliver the results that have been promised and take accountability when they fall short.
Your Product/Service Lifts Your Audience, Regardless Of Who They Are
When I say “regardless of who they are,” I mean it! Your product/service should truly lift everybody who comes in contact with it — prospects, paying clients, employees or contractors, and even competitors.
If a person comes into contact with you and your product/service, they should leave better off than they were than when they first met your product. Even if they don’t purchase your services, perhaps they learned valuable information that will help them in another area. More often than not, these efforts to be genuinely helpful to everyone will pay big dividends later.
Goldstein said, “We realized that what we had to offer was something that could help that outside of our initial niche. No matter who you currently do business with, you should take the mentality of trying to lift everyone you come in contact with. You never know what opportunities might present themselves.”
Profit is not the Goal.
As opposed to keeping secrets, you share what you know.
After all, knowledge is power. As an expert in your niche, you’re armed with plenty of it. Those who want to make a positive impact are willing to share what they know to benefit others, even if they don’t end up doing business with you.
This refers us back to the second point of trying to lift everyone who comes into contact with your business. Ultimately, such moves are going to be a win-win. Yes, you’re helping others, but you’re also building an impressive personal brand.
For one thing, you’ll come to be appreciated as a true expert in your niche. This will get you referrals from people who recognize your value and help you land higher-paying clients. It could even help you get more publicity for who you are and what you do!
As it turns out, when you willingly give knowledge rather than hoard secrets, you’re going to receive even more in return.
Is It Time For A Tune-Up?
Nobody’s perfect, and that includes how you’re trying to make a positive impact with your business. Take a step back and evaluate where you are.
Are you living up to your claims and helping to lift everyone who comes in contact with your business? Self-evaluation can help you identify where you are falling short, so you can make a plan to bring about the changes you want to see.
Once you’ve identified those needed changes, don’t wait around. Positive change doesn’t happen by accident! Get moving right away so you can start making a difference that much sooner.
Just remember to be patient with yourself. Change takes time, but it’s almost always worth it — especially when it’s focused on increasing your capacity for making a positive difference.
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