This message is to my beloved vaccinated brother’s and sisters (who sacrificed their body to expose evil in our society).
It is quite unfortunate that iron has dubiously mixed it self with clay, hereby changing the nature of our existence as humans on this realm.
They (WEF, WHO, UN and others) want us all to become cyborgs! Own nothing and be happy!
It is now obviously paramount we understand the ramifications associated with the extinction of the human race (clay, biological) as we have known and lived it as biological organisms of the highest awareness.
Our unvaccinated brother’s and sisters are the only hope we have left if we are to save humanity from the shackles of the evil one whom will soon deploy the power of AI to enslave the human race.
Let us join hands together to protect their (unvaccinated) rights at all cost. Our enemies are within but with love and empathy towards one another, we shall prevail.
Remember Arnold Schwarzenegger, in the “Terminator” ? That is our role as vaccinated individuals, so as to save humanity and our precious human souls.
They will never win unless we allow them.
Help save our unvaccinated brother’s and sisters from the jaws of the global vampires. Clay must never mix with iron!
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