Home Communities scholarships Thesis scholarship Award in European Studies

Thesis scholarship Award in European Studies


Thesis schola Award in European Studies

The Center offers to the winning candidates Master/ Ph.D. scholarship for studies at Epoka University and a publishing opportunity:

1.       Scholarship

a.       Teaching Assistant position for students who will pursue Master studies.

Full-time Teaching Assistant – 100% discount on the master program tuition fees. In addition, the candidate assists one professor in his/her lecturing courses.

b.       Research Assistant position for students who will pursue Ph.D. studies.

Research Assistants are Ph.D. students and full-time staff members of Epoka University, which means that they are eligible to the institutional provisions with regard to remuneration, social security and health insurance, weekly working hours, annual leave as well as other statutory benefits.

Research Assistants are part of the ‘assisting academic staff’ category and benefit from a 50% discount from the tuition fee.

c.       Lecturer Position for Ph.D. holders

PhD- holders whose PhD thesis has been granted the Thesis Award in European Studies are offered the opportunity to be employed in the ‘Lecturer’ position subject to the fulfilment of the condition of having published full-text article in a topic related to the PhD thesis in peer-reviewed and periodical journals listed in Science Citation Index ( SCI), Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) and Arts and Humanities Citation Index (AHCI).

2.       Publishing Opportunity

Award receiving students will have their thesis published as part of CES Book Series.


Each nominated thesis must meet the following criteria:

·         be a thesis written by a student and in the field of European Studies;

·         be in line with the thesis writing guidelines of Epoka University[1]

·         be written in English;

·         be the work of one student supervised by one or two professors.  Collaborative, co-supervised thesis incorporating various disciplines are strongly encouraged.

·         be authored by a student registered at any university in the world at his/her final semester of his/ her bachelor or master studies.

Test your English

Prepare for your study by taking the most popular and most accepted English language proficiency test. Schedule an IELTS test


Students can apply for the award by sending their thesis and the scanned copy of the Supervisor’s/s’ declaration of support by email to ces@epoka.edu.al. Please note that the first page of the thesis should also contain the original signature of the student and their supervisors.



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