Home Fashion Beauty Saturday Surfing: August 19th, 2017

Saturday Surfing: August 19th, 2017


tom ford spiceTom Ford…you are making me hongray!

Have you ever noticed how eerily similar brown cream shadow and chocolate pudding are? Or dulce de leche?

Mind you, I just finished vacuuming the house, which was quite a workout, and I’m freaking hungry, so maybe I should eat something and then reevaluate, LOL!

By the way, this shadow is Tom Ford Spice, a total lazy girl staple. Most of the time I just pat it on my lids with my fingers and blend out the edges without even bothering to use a separate primer, which pretty much throws precision out the window, but when I’m going for easy, I’m going ALL. THE. WAY. So as long as my shadow looks even-ish, I’m happy. ?

OK, I better go make something to eat now because this pan is REALLY starting to look dangerously like food… While I go raid the fridge, here are some stories that caught my eye this week.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNSjvFuqFIM?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0&w=800&h=450]
How hand-carved Russian candles are made… This is so cool!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VUqqGHmE6g0?rel=0&controls=0&showinfo=0&w=800&h=450]
Grease’s “You’re the One That I Want” gets an R&B makeover

OK, baby cakes, it’s Caturday, an (un)official day of rest. May your workload be light and your smile be bright.

A poet, I am not, but at least my booty’s hot, because I do my squats, while my hair’s in knots.

Alright I’ll stop, haha! ?

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,




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