Candace Cameron Bure, widely recognized for her role in the beloved show “Full House,” recently made headlines by announcing her departure from the Hallmark Channel for the Great American Family (GAC) network. This move has generated a wave of reactions, particularly from her peers in the Hallmark stable, some of whom have expressed relief and even support for Bure’s departure.
For years, Bure was considered the queen of Hallmark, a title earned through a string of well-loved holiday films. It seemed that no Christmas went by without her presence on the network. However, in a surprising twist this past April, she declared her plans to leave Hallmark, citing her desire to align with an organization that matched her personal values more closely. Her announcement came amidst a backdrop of controversies regarding diversity and representation in Hallmark’s programming, particularly following the ousting of former CEO Bill Abbott, who faced criticism for pulling a commercial featuring a same-sex couple.
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The Reasons Behind Bure’s Exit
While Bure’s official statement to fans and audiences was centered around her commitment to family and faith, her subsequent comments and actions hinted at a deeper divide between her and Hallmark. In a 2022 interview with The Wall Street Journal, she stated, “I think that Great American Family will keep traditional marriage at the core,” suggesting her dissatisfaction with Hallmark’s efforts to include more diverse narratives in its storytelling.