Home Fashion Wedding Desiree Hartsock Shares How to Write and Say Heartfelt Vows

Desiree Hartsock Shares How to Write and Say Heartfelt Vows


Jen Huang

Step Three: Structure

For a foolproof method that would get you an A+ in a public speaking class, follow this formula: begin with a short story or affirmation of your relationship, describe a few things that you love about your partner, say two or three promises, and close with one final promise that sums everything up (and, for bonus points, you can circle back to the story that you started with). With this structure, you’ll say everything you need to say and, perhaps, illicit some tears from the audience. Overall, avoid anything too embarrassing or cliché. You and your fiancé have a relationship that is unique and special—let the quirky/passionate/fun aspects of your shared story guide you.



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