On Friday, Boebert claimed she was “yet to see a liberal be able to praise Joe Biden on his own merits” some six months into his “disaster presidency.”
“It’s always ‘But Trump’ or ‘But the GOP,’” the Colorado Republican declared.
Six months into this disaster presidency and I’ve yet to see a liberal be able to praise Joe Biden on his own merits.
It’s always “But Trump” or “But the GOP”.
— Lauren Boebert (@laurenboebert) June 25, 2021
“Is this a bit?” one Twitter user responded.
Other critics reminded Boebert of the disasters of Donald Trump’s presidency, including Trump’s catastrophic handling of the coronavirus pandemic:
I am liberal.
This is me praising Joe Biden on his own merits.
— Rachel Alter, MPH (@RachelAlter007) June 25, 2021
I’m a Republican and I am praising Biden for his performance to-date.. You, on the other hand, have proven your incompetence day in and and day out. https://t.co/PQFEsRnnOq
— Mutatis Mutandis (@mutatis1) June 26, 2021
Biden is fully 50% more popular than Trump was at his best ever, on his merits. Getting tens of millions vaccinated, rebuilding trust with allies, ceasing the heinous subservience to dictators & thugs… people of all political backgrounds see we are better off.
— Joseph Robertson (@poet_economist) June 25, 2021
The hypocrisy is strong with this one
— CheesyGorditaBrett⁴ (@TacosAndTaint) June 25, 2021
1. Biden passed COVID relief
2. Biden has reached a bipartisan deal for an infrastructure bill
3. Biden made Juneteenth a federal holiday
4. Biden visited Tulsa, and paid respects for the Race Massacre
— cheese (@DeepLake437) June 25, 2021
Oh, let me be among the first! President Biden has compassion, experience, and vision! President Biden has extraordinary skill in choosing talented, ethical, and visionary people to serve in his administration!
— Leland Hermit (@AngeloBCollie) June 25, 2021
What’s the disaster? If you can’t see and realize the turnaround you’re…oh why do I bother. Instead of working for all people to have better lives you work against prosperity and progress. You tweet bullshit all day and troll. Do something constructive. https://t.co/4hnq5uNzuG
— Maxwell Dumb (@MaxwellDumb) June 25, 2021
200 million vaccines in 100 days. Zero cabinet members under federal indictment.
— Louis (@1tweet4mamkind) June 25, 2021
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