Touching video of 8-year-old girl who suffered a brain aneurysm responding to her mother’s voice in the hospital

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A child who suffered a brain aneurysm earlier this week moved her mother to tears when she responded to her mother’s voice in the hospital.

In the touching video, the mother is seen asking the girl if she’ll like some chocolate pudding for breakfast and the 8-year-old girl nodded. She also asked if they could get chocolate ice cream for lunch and the girl, who looked peaceful, like she was sleeping, nodded again.

The child has a tube sticking out of her mouth and a line attached to her forehead and lies completely still except for when her mother talks to her, at which point she responds with a shake of her head, showing she is conscious.

The most touching part was where the mother asked, “If you love me, squeeze your hand,” and the girl squeezed her mother’s hand, moving her to tears. The mother went on to encourage the girl to keep fighting and come out alive.

Watch the touching video below


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