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He Was Overweight and Bullied But Reincarnated As The Most Powerful Mage #Anime


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This 34-year-old shut-in has had a very difficult life, and it has taken its toll on him, reducing him to the husk of a former man. He was overweight, never good at sports or studies, didn’t have any friends, and had no romantic interests. He was severely bullied throughout the school years and was once stripped in front of the whole school, while they clicked pictures of him, and tied to the main gate of the school. Ever since that incident, he has become a complete hermit, living in his parent’s house and only ever getting out of his room to purchase lewd comics and games.

He Was Overweight and Bullied But Reincarnates As The Most Powerful Mage

he was overweight and bullied but reincarnated as the most powerful mage anime



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